Find out what happens after you've made a complaint to us, how we investigate and how you'll hear about the outcome of your complaint.
AdviceFind out how to stay safe and report aggressive or out of control animals as well as stray or abandoned animals.
AdviceRead our accessibility statement for this website. We want everyone to be able to use this website, that's why we are improving our accessibility options.
About usMany waste or environmental issues need to be reported to your local council or other agencies; find out who needs to be contacted.
AdviceFind out the different ways you can report spiking, including reporting anonymously.
AdviceIf you've reported a crime to us, find out how we investigate it, the possible outcomes and when to expect a crime reference number.
AdviceWhat is intimate image abuse or 'revenge porn', how to protect yourself, how to report it and how to get help removing images.
AdviceWhat is human trafficking, what are the signs that someone has been trafficked and how to report it.
AdviceAsk for ANI – help for domestic abuse victims. Signal for help from the safety of a pharmacy. (Ani - Action needed immediately)