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Anti-Social Behaviour
St Austell Neighbourhood team are committed to tackling Anti Social Behaviour by working with partner agencies such as housing providers, Cornwall Council, Youth groups, support agencies and many others.
Officers will aim to engage with communities and affected parties to seek a suitable resolution to any identified ASB issue.
Positive action will be taken where necessary and offenders will be escalated up the ASB process in accordance with the Cornwall Council ASB protocol.
Issued 11 April 2024
Update: 08 January 2025 - January 2025
At St Austell dealing with ASB continues to be a focus for us, officers have been conducting high vis patrols with partners to deal with persons who have been causing ASB. A number of persons have been issued with ASB warnings and we are working towards applying to the courts for a CBO for one person who continues to cause ASB issues in the St Austell area. Please ensure that all incidents of ASB are reported to the Police so we can deal with the persons causing the problems.
Update: 20 November 2024 - November 2024
ASB awareness week runs from the 18th to 24th November across the force.
As part of this, we are highlighting some of the work we have been doing in partnership with the Street Marshalls in St Austell town centre as part of Hotspot Policing. We have conducted numerous joint patrols with the Street Marshalls who are a consistent visible presence within the town. More information can be found on our Facebook page.
We have also responded to incidents of ASB in specific areas, leading to property closures, ASB escalation measures being implemented and the dispersal of people causing issues.
Please continue to report ASB through the approved means. It may be that Police are not able to take action on every occasion, but all reports are recorded and will enable us to build a picture of what is going on.
Update: 24 October 2024 - October 2024
Working with partners, Police and uniformed Security staff have been conducting high-vis patrols in area where ASB is likely to take place in order to deter and prevent it. Where ASB has taken place we are identifying the persons causing the problem and taking positive action against them. Within the last week we have arrested two suspects who have been linked to a series of crimes and ASB incidents. They are currently released with robust bail conditions.
We would like to encourage the community to make sure that if you are the victim of ASB that it's reported to us so that we can assist you.
Update: 09 September 2024 - September 2024
High visibility patrols are continuing in partnership with Security Officers from the BID.
We have also been working closely with partners such as Youth Justice and targeted youth workers to tackle ASB offenders in hotspot areas. This work continues and is focusing on the town centre and Bugle areas.
If you experience any ASB please ensure that it's reported at the time it's occurring in order to provide us with the opportunity to attend and deal with it at the time, rather than use investigating it after it has taken place.
Update: 15 August 2024 - August 2024
Officers from St Austell are currently engaged in conducting high-vis patrols in areas identified as ASB hotspots as part of our Summer Policing plan in company with partners such as St Austell BID.
We have also funded Youth engagement work in some of these hotspots areas in order to prevent ASB occurring by diverting the youths in to other activates.
Officers have been dealing with repeated ASB offenders by escalating them through the ASB process, this ultimately could result in Criminal Behaviour Orders being applied for.
If you experience any ASB please ensure that it's reported at the time it's occurring in order to provide us with the opportunity to attend and deal with it at the time, rather than use investigating it after it has taken place.
Update: 02 July 2024 - July 2024
Officers from the St Austell Neighbourhood team have served a number of ASB warnings to persons reported to be causing ASB issues in the area. They have also worked with partners and have removed the squatters from the old General Wolfe public house in St Austell and to secure the building.
Three residential addresses which have been related to ASB issues over the last few months have been closed by the magistrate courts to prevent further disorder.
Update: 05 June 2024 - June 2024
Officers from St Austell have been continuing to conduct high-visibility patrols in areas where ASB has been reported. We are engaging with the persons concerned and are offering education as well as taking more formal action when needed.
Two persons who were linked to ASB reports in St Austell town have been arrested and remanded, applications are being made to the courts to consider Criminal Behaviour Orders upon conviction for these persons.
We are currently planning for our Summer Policing and have arranged for a number of high visibility foot patrols to take place on key dates and times. This is in areas ASB may occur in order to prevent and detect crime.
We are also pleased to announce funding has been secured by the Police Service to pay for youth outreach work in areas with reports of youth ASB. The aim is that this will prevent further reports by them engaging with them.
Update: 02 May 2024 - May 2024
Officers from St Austell have been assisting the Community with a rise in ASB reports for the St Austell town and surrounding area.
We have arrested and charged a man in connection to a number of these reports which took place between 21st April and 1st May. He was remanded in custody and is awaiting to appear before the courts.
We have also assisted with a rise in youth related ASB reports for the St Dennis area. Officers are conducting high via patrols in the area and engaging with the young people and their parents. We are also speaking with our partners about conducting out reach work with the youths in this area.
Actioned 08 January 2025
Reducing harm to road users
Devon and Cornwall Police are working hard with partners to reduce incidents where people are seriously harmed or killed while using our roads. As we approach the winter period, unfortunately we typically see an increase of incidents. We as a Police Service with our partners will running a series of events in order to educate and take action with people who may be putting people at harm.
If you have concerns about someone who by their actions may be putting people in harms way please ensure to report it to us by our website, crime stoppers or by coming into the Police Station.
Issued 24 October 2024
Update: 08 January 2025 - January 2025
Officers from St Austell Police Station are currently working with our partners and key members of the community to address issues caused by illegal off road bikers. Not only are the riders putting the community at risk but also themselves. High vis patrols are being conducted in areas where off road bikers have been reported and action is being taken with riders who are committing offences. To carry on this work we need the help of the wider community by reporting the issues caused by these off rider bikers when they are occurring to give us the best chance to locate and deal with the rider.
Actioned 08 January 2025
Drug use and supply
We aim to gather and act on intelligence received in all areas of the Policing sector surrounding drug use and supply.
This involves executing Misuse of Drugs Act warrants, disruption work and also liaising with partner agencies in order to combat local drug dealing as well as County Lines.
Often, drug use comes with additional Safeguarding concerns both for the drug user and any immediate family they may have. This is especially true in County Lines cases where young and vulnerable people are often exploited.
St Austell Neighbourhood team is committed to tackling this issue and ensuring vulnerable people are Safeguarded and that the offenders are brought to justice.
Issued 02 May 2024
Update: 08 January 2025 - January 2025
Officers from the St Austell Neighbourhood Team are currently working on collating intelligence which will allow us to apply to the courts for further search warrants to deal with reports of suspected drug dealing. Please continue to supply information to the Police Service either in person to an officer or at the station, via our website or via crime stoppers.
Update: 20 November 2024 - November 2024
Following on from the previous activity, St Austell Neighbourhood team have continued to be proactive and work with partners to tackle drug use and supply in the area.
Earlier in the month, we received notification from Border Force that a package destined for the area was intercepted at customs and was found to have £10,000 worth of cannabis inside. Neighbourhood officers acted on this information by attending the address the package was destined for and arrested a male on suspicion of various drug offences. The investigation is ongoing.
Within the past week, officers have also attended an address and arrested a male for Possession with Intent to Supply controlled drugs following intelligence being received from the community. A large quantity of drugs were seized along with a machete and the suspects mobile phone. The investigation is in the early stages and the suspect has been released on bail.
Next week is County Lines Intensification week in which Neighbourhood Teams across the force will be conducting Safeguarding checks on vulnerable people, enacting drug warrants, building intelligence and proactively patrolling known drug hotspots. If you have any information about drug dealing in your community, please contact Police or Crimestoppers.
Update: 24 October 2024 - October 2024
The team at St Austell Police Station are continuing our work in this area. There are upcoming plans for further Search Warrants and over the last month the Police and our partners have intercept significant quantities of drugs which have prevented these drugs from causing harm.
If you have any information you wish to share with us about this priority please contact us via our website, crime stoppers or by coming into the Station.
Update: 09 September 2024 - September 2024
The team have had a busy month, executing positive drug warrants in St Austell as well as making several arrests for drug offences, ranging from possession to cultivation and intent to supply.
The team also responded to a report of a cannabis grow in an open area in which around 30 cannabis plants were located and removed.
Investigations are ongoing into these incidents and numerous suspects are on bail.
We would like to thank members of the public for their reporting and hope that these actions are having a positive impact on the community. We would also continue to encourage the public to report incidents and intelligence to us or Crimestoppers. Increased reporting allows us to conduct these proactive actions and achieve positive results.
Update: 15 August 2024 - August 2024
Over the past few weeks the Policing teams at St Austell have dealt with a number of drug related offences, these have ranged from dealing with persons being found in possession of drugs to conducting searches of peoples houses and businesses using Court issued warrants.
Further drugs related operations are planned and as always if you have any information which may assist us please share this with us. You can do this via our website, speaking to a Police officer in person, popping into the Police Station or by calling crime stoppers.
As well at this time officers are going to be conducting high-vis patrols in areas where suspected drug use is going on to disrupt, take action or engage with persons found in these locations.
Update: 02 July 2024 - July 2024
Over the past month officers from St Austell Police Station have been working hard to tackle drug related crime. We have conducted 3 separate search warrants and removed drugs and weapons from residential addresses. Officers have been conducting high-vis patrols within populated areas and conducted a number of positive stop searches for persons who have been carrying drugs.
We can only do this work with the information from the community, please continue to contact us with any information you have about drug related crimes so we can take action where possible.
Update: 05 June 2024 - June 2024
St Austell Police are still working hard in this area but we need your help. Without information from yourselves within the community we are not able to take action with persons suspected of dealing drugs. We need the information you hold in order to apply to the courts for Search Warrants. The threshold of information we need to do this is high, so please if you have any information about possible drug dealing tell us. You can tell any Police Officer you see, contact us via our website, pop into the Station or report it via Crime Stoppers.
At this time we do have warrants planned on addresses suspected to be linked to drug dealing. We will share updates and information about any results when we can.
Thank you for your support in advance.
Update: 02 May 2024 - May 2024
Officer from St Austell are continuing to work hard in addressing the drug issue in our area. We can only do this with your help and support and would encourage you to come forward with any information if you have it. You can report this information via our website or by calling crime stoppers.
Recently we have conducted a number of drugs warrants in our area and have also been successful in applying for court orders to close addresses connected to drugs and ASB use.
Actioned 08 January 2025
Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG)
St Austell Police are committed to playing our part in improving how Devon and Cornwall Police protect the public from harm, especially by combatting the violence women and girls suffer.
We will aim to achieve this by contributing to the overall aims set out by the National Police Chiefs' Council as below:
- Improved quality of VAWG investigations: enhance professionalisation of public protection
capability and a focus on staff and officer wellbeing
- Relentless pursuit of perpetrators: improved identification of repeat, high harm and predatory
VAWG offenders
- Improving the digital forensic response to tackle gaps in capability and capacity to process
digital evidence and respond to tech enabled VAWG
- Further partnership working on VAWG with a focus on prevention
- A keen focus on fulfilling data and intelligence gaps to inform the threat picture of VAWG
Issued 11 April 2024
Update: 20 November 2024 - November 2024
Several officers from the Neighbourhood Team have recently been trained in Behavioural Detection as part of Project Vigilant.
The aim of Project Vigilant is to actively prevent sexual violence in the night-time economy or at events by targeting those who seek to prey on the vulnerable. This will be achieved through proactive and disruptive patrols, identifying sexual behaviour and intervening to prevent this behaviour escalating to an offence.
Officers will be deploying to the town centre and other high footfall areas over the festive period to conduct high visibility patrols and utilise these newly obtained skills.
Update: 24 October 2024 - October 2024
This continues to be a Devon and Cornwall Police Service priority and work will continue to prevent, detect and safeguard persons effected by these crimes.
Update: 09 September 2024 - September 2024
At St Austell we have been conducting high-vis patrols at time and in areas where violence against woman and girls offences may take place. This has been done to prevent these type of offences taking place.
Sadly these type of offences still take place but we are working to investigate them and support the victims.
If you have any concerns for anyone in relation to violence against woman and girls please contact us to discuss it further.
Update: 15 August 2024 - August 2024
At St Austell we have been conducting high-vis patrols at time and in areas where violence against woman and girls offences may take place. This has been done to prevent these type of offences taking place.
Sadly these type of offences still take place but we are working to investigate them and support the victims.
If you have any concerns for anyone in relation to violence against woman and girls please contact us to discuss it further.
Update: 02 July 2024 - July 2024
This remains a priority for the Police Service and we are working hard with partners to safeguard victims, prevent further offences and detect them. If you have any concerns about anyone in relation to Violence against Woman and girls please contact us so we can investigate and ensure they are supported.
Within the St Austell area over the past month we have had sexual offences reported to us, the investigation into these crimes is ongoing but the suspects for each crime have been identified and action is being taken.
Update: 05 June 2024 - June 2024
The Devon and Cornwall Police Service are continuing to work with our partners to detect and prevent offences against Woman and Girls. High-visibility patrols are being conducted on key days and times to safeguard woman who may be targeted during night time economy hours.
More of these patrols will take place during the lighter evenings during the summer.
Update: 02 May 2024 - May 2024
Working with our partners we are continuing to prevent, raise awareness and safeguard survivors of violence against woman and girls offences. We have been conducting high visibility patrols during the evenings and during during night time economy to prevent offences. We are currently creating our Summer Policing plan and within this ensuring that patrols are planned in order to continue the disruption work.
Actioned 20 November 2024